Amazon: Blood Sugar 101
Also, if you are in the UK and have already purchased Blood Sugar 101 and found it helpful, please consider posting a review of it on the Amazon page. It would be greatly appreciated!
You can also buy Blood Sugar 101 in the UK from Blackwell:
Blackwell: Blood Sugar 101
and Blood Sugar 101
Did you inform Dr. John Briffa? I'm sure he and his UK readers would be interested.
I'll drop him a note.
I've just ordered my copy from The Book Depository, they don't charge postage at all:
I'm looking forward to it !
Hope you find the book useful!
The Book Depository bumps up the book price so that it includes more than the list price, so the "free shipping" is not really free. But that said, I'm thrilled so many online stores are stocking it!
Ah, the difference between the Book Depository and Amazon is that the BooK D. has the book in stock and delivery is only 2 to 3 days, whereas Amazon has a delivery time of 11 to 12 days ! Plus with Amazon you have to order something else to get free delivery, you have to spend @15, so if I'd ordered only the book from Amazon it would have cost me £10.34 whereas from the Book Depository it has cost me only £9.53....and my copy has just come !
Off to read it now :-)
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