June 18, 2007

New "What They Don't Tell You" Summary Page

My Web Site, What They Don't Tell You About Diabetes has grown over the past three years to where it contains an entire book's worth of information--a full 85,000 words.

The downside of this is that the amount of information on the site can be overwhelming to new visitors. So I've put together a new introductory page which sums up the message of the site and helps the visitor decide which pages they want to visit.

Here's what I've come up with. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement please let me hear them:


You Can Avoid Deterioration and Complications No Matter How Bad Your Blood Sugar is Right Now

There are many more topics covered on this site, but these are the ones that are most important. I invite you to come and read the whole site when you have time. The information you find here could save your health!


DeWayne McCulley (The Diabetes Engineer) said...

You have a great website/blog -- full of important information for diabetics.

fyi: I used to be a Type 2 diabetic, and almost died of a diabetic coma with a blood glucose level of 1337. After overcoming 4 insulin shots and other drugs, I worked with the ADA to help other diabetics. That led me to write the book "Death to Diabetes" (ISBN 0977360741).


Jenny said...

Turns out that DeWayne who posted the comment above is a KNOWN SPAMMER.

I can't delete the comment, but I can warn you.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how many people were diagnosed with type 2 when they had be very fit for several years. Very fit would be something like an hour per day of hard aeorbic exercise.

Any information?