This brief booklet presents the absolutely basic, essential information people with diabetes need to know. It explains what causes diabetes, what blood sugar levels cause heart disease and complications, what raises blood sugar, how to lower blood sugar using a blood sugar meter and the Test, Test, Test strategy, and what to do if that strategy doesn't give you normal blood sugars.
I have priced it so that it competes with a cup of premium coffee, hoping that this e will make it possible to reach people who don't know how to Google the web site and can't afford the the full-length Blood Sugar 101, book.
I have also published it exclusively on Amazon so that it can be read for free by subscribers to Kindle Unlimited.
If you have friends with diabetes, prediabetes or insulin resistance, who really need to get the message, but won't take the time to read a full length book or look up the web site point them to this ebook.
Lower Your Blood Sugar: The 30 Minute Guide for People with Diabetes, Prediabetes, and Insulin Resistance (Blood Sugar 101 Short Reads)